Praznje marnje.

petek, december 18, 2015

Komentar v časopisu Finance

Finance smo ZA

Zakaj bi koga motilo, da se ljubezen sklene pred matičarjem in zamenja registracijo, ki je poniževalna in ne zagotavlja vseh formalnopravnih in socialnih standardov?

Pri enaindvajsetih sem se odločil, potem ko sem se še v srednji šoli resno lotil samospraševanja in analiziranja svoje spolne usmerjenosti, da bom suvereno živel kot gej. Odločil sem se tudi, da ne bom imel otrok, ker jih z moškim pač ne morem imeti. Tu sem, pravijo geji, konservativen, ker pač želim, da je otrok plod ljubezni. In na nedeljskem referendumu gre za - ljubezen. Ta ne pozna meja, zato je danes, v 21. stoletju, res vseeno, ali se poročita dve ženski, dva moška, ženska in moški. Če se imajo geji in lezbijke radi, naj se poročijo. Le zakaj bi koga motilo, da se takšna ljubezen sklene pred matičarjem in zamenja zveriženo obliko nekakšne registracije, ki je prej poniževalna in nikakor ne zagotavlja vseh formalnopravnih in socialnih standardov.

Sam ne verjamem v institucijo zakona, nikoli nisem. A veliko jih verjame, in če bo ljubezen zaradi zakona dveh žensk ali moških še močnejša, je razlogov, da v nedeljo obkrožimo ZA, samo še več. In ta referendum je zelo povezan z ljubeznijo, ki ne bi smela ločevati po spolu, rasi, verskih prepričanjih. V nedeljo se ne bomo izrekali o otrocih, ne o starih starših, ne o teoriji spola, temveč o ljubezni. Nimam nobenih težav s sprejemanjem argumentov tistih, ki nasprotujejo poroki dveh istospolnih oseb, a ko nekateri nasprotniki homoseksualce žalijo, jih opredeljujejo kot hormonsko motene ter tako ali drugače poškodovane ljudi, se meja razumevanja stališč PROTI temeljito zamajejo.

Seveda, povsem jasno je, da nasprotniki ne želijo sprememb, ne želijo zares sodobnega okolja, vse to pa predvsem zato, ker so zavedeni, ker so nevedni in jih je strah - najbolj samih sebe. In v resnici ne vedo, kaj ljubezen zares pomeni, še manj pa, kaj je nedeljsko referendumsko vprašanje.

Če bi se oporečniki vsaj malo pozanimali, kdo zares so homoseksualne osebe v resničnih življenjih, bi jih, verjamem, nekaj spremenilo mnenje. Kajti veliko gejev in lezbijk posvojitve otrok sploh ne zanimajo, tudi zato ne, ker bi morali skozi še bolj selektivne procese, kot jih prestajajo heteroseksualni pari, ki želijo posvojiti otroka. Še manj je res, da bi dve lezbijki ali dva geja vzgojila še enega geja ali lezbijko. Vse pomembne raziskave iz tujine ovržejo takšna posploševanja. Ob tem pa je najbolj pomenljivo, da večina gejev in lezbijk odraste v heteroseksualnih družinah. In če nasprotniki mahajo z »argumentom«, da jim gre za otroke, so nedosledni in nepravični, kajti v tem primeru gre za vse otroke, tudi geje in lezbijke. Zelo narobe je, da nasprotniki zakona za svoj cilj celo zlorabljajo otroke.

Moj partner je živel življenje moža v zakonu z ženo - in se opekel. A mu na kraj pameti ne pade, da bi komurkoli v tej državi omejeval pravico do ljubezni v zakonu. Njegovi otroci danes, pa čeprav uradno še ne vedo, da je njihov oče gej in da ima partnerja, verjamejo, da je ZA pravi odgovor na nedeljskem referendumu, ker se zavedajo, da moramo naprej, ne nazaj.

In še nekaj pozabljajo nasprotniki predlaganega zakona: geji in lezbijke se želijo poročiti tudi/ali predvsem, zato da si uredijo formalnopravni in socialni status. Njihova močna želja po zakonski zvezi ovrže tudi prepričanja, da so lezbijke, zlasti pa geji, zelo promiskuitetni. S težnjo po zakonski zvezi je očitno, da želijo več zvestobe, več (finančne) odgovornosti, zase in tudi za otroke, če se bodo podali na trnovo pot posvajanja.

Če ste ZA, pojdite v nedeljo oddat svoj glas, ker prav vsak šteje.

Finance 247/2015,avtor ALEŠ ČAKŠ

ponedeljek, december 14, 2015

I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It

He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool. - Brigham Young

Implicit in right to freedom of expression is right to offend.
I have the right to:
- Offend your sacred symbols,
- Offend your sensibilities,
- Offend your emotions and feelings,
- Offend your country, your institutions and your governments,
- Offend your leaders, your political parties and administrators,
- Criticize and ridicule your religion, your customs and your traditions,
- Hate your guts and what you stand for.

Note: The title was attributed to French philosopher Voltaire by Evelyn Beatrice Hall in her book "The Friends of Voltaire".

Odločba Ustavnega sodišča št. U-I-212/10 z dne 14. 3. 2013

Odločba Ustavnega sodišča št. U-I-425/06-10 z dne 2. 7. 2009

pomanjkljivosti ZRIPS

V Zakonu o registraciji istospolnih partnerstev (ZRIPS) manjka komponenta socialne varnosti. Med drugim ni statusa svojca, ki v številnih področnih zakonih prinaša vrsto obveznosti in pravic. Istospolni partner nima pravice do bolniškega dopusta za nego partnerja, onemogočeni so obiski v bolnišnicah, ko je obisk dovoljen samo svojcem, dovoljeno je le dedovanje skupnega premoženja. Glej  
Na te pomanjkljivosti je opozorila že pravna služba državnega zbora, vendar zakonodajalec ni upošteval mnenja.

Na področju dedovanja je Ustavno sodišče ugotovilo diskriminacijo v dveh odločbah, in sicer v odločbi št. U-I-425/06-10 z dne 2. 7. 2009 in odločbi št. U-I-212/10 z dne 14. 3. 2013. V obeh odločbah Ustavno sodišče ugotavlja, da je »tako v primeru istospolnih partnerjev kot raznospolnih partnerjev bistvena značilnost stabilna povezanost dveh oseb, ki sta si blizu, si medsebojno pomagata in se podpirata« ter da gre za »po vsebini enak dejanski položaj, v katerem sta dva človeka povezana v par, pri čemer njuno (relativno trajno) razmerje bistveno opredeljujejo njuna čustvena, moralna, duhovna in seksualna povezanost na skupni življenjski poti«. 

Istospolno usmerjeni smo v povprečju davkoplačevalci kot ostala populacija, zato imamo kot vsi drugi pravico, da država zagotovi socialno varnost kot ostalim prebivalcem Republike Slovenije.

ponedeljek, november 23, 2015

A Fictional Conversation Between Islamic Terrorists and the People Who Make Up Excuses for Them

On more serious side (from )

Harris: I just want to point out that this effort to get at root causes only ever runs in one direction. No one doubts the political and economic justifications that people give for their behavior. When someone says, "Listen, I murdered my rich neighbor because I knew he kept a pile of money in a safe. I wanted that money, and I didn't want to leave a witness," nobody looks for an ulterior explanation for that behavior. But when someone says, "I think infidels and apostates deserve to burn in hell, and I know for a fact that I'll go to paradise if I die while waging jihad against them," many academics refuse to accept this rationale at face value and begin looking for the political or economic reasons that they imagine lie beneath it. So the game is rigged

Wood: Yes. However, the countervailing current in social science is the tradition in ethnography and anthropology of taking seriously what people say. And this can lead to the exact opposite of the materialist, "root causes" approach. When Evans-Pritchard, for example, talks about witchcraft among the Azande, he's describing exactly what they say and showing that it's an internally consistent view of the world. This is something that anthropology has done quite well in the past, and it gives us a model for how we can listen to jihadis and understand them without immediately assuming that they are incapable of self-knowledge.

What I'm arguing for in the piece is not to discard either type of explanation but to remember the latter one and take the words of these ISIS people seriously. Even though at various points in the past we've ignored political or material causes, this doesn't mean that ideology plays no role, or that we should ignore the plain meaning of words.

Of course, we don't know what people actually think. Maybe they're self-deluded; maybe they don't really believe in the literal rewards of martyrdom. We can't know; we're not in their heads. But this lack of knowledge cuts both ways. Why do so many people instantly resort, with great confidence, to a material explanation—even or especially when the person himself rejects it? It's a very peculiar impulse to have, and I consider it a matter of dogma for many people who study jihadists.

Harris: Yes, especially in cases where a person meets none of the material conditions that are alleged to be the root causes of his behavior. We see jihadis coming from free societies all over the world. There are many examples of educated, affluent young men joining organizations like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State who lack any discernible material or political grievances. They simply feel a tribal connection to Muslims everywhere, merely because they share the same religious identity. We are seeing jihadis travel halfway around the world for the privilege of dying in battle who have nothing in common with the beleaguered people of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, or Somalia whose ranks they are joining, apart from a shared belief in the core doctrines of Islam.

The other side of this coin, of course, is that even the most grotesque, seemingly nihilistic actions of the Islamic State become perfectly rational—which is to say, straightforwardly self-interested—given the requisite beliefs. Once you imagine what it would be like to actually believe in paradise, and in martyrdom as the surest way of getting there, it becomes obvious why someone would want to join the Islamic State. If a person truly believes that the Creator of the universe wants him to wage war against the evil of unbelief and that the Islamic State is the very tip of His spear, he has to be insane not to join the cause.

Harris: I now have a rogues' gallery in my mind of pseudo-liberals, both Muslim and not, who are reflexive apologists for theocracy. These people will deny, at every turn, the link between deeply held religious convictions and bad behavior. According to them, all the mayhem we see in the Middle East is "blowback." Everything is a 

product of our callous meddling in the affairs of other countries. We have no enemies in the world but the ones we've made for ourselves by being bad actors and rapacious guzzlers of oil. Many of these people appear to have been bewitched by Noam Chomsky.

sreda, november 18, 2015


"So you say you're so proud of faith, and then you use it to insult atheists by saying they have more faith? So then you're admitting that faith is a bad thing? How do you manage the mental power to draw breath if you are that fucking stupid?"

ponedeljek, november 16, 2015

There are two places for an atheist in sharia communities: the closet or the grave

Renouncing Islam and embracing atheism is like passing a death sentence on oneself. Renouncing Islam is apostasy, and apostasy is a crime punishable by death. Expressing atheistic views can easily be interpreted as a form of blasphemy. Blasphemy is a crime punishable by death. Expressing atheistic views can easily be taken to be an insult to Islam or to Allah or to his Prophet Muhammed. Islam may mean peace for Muslim faithfuls, but for atheists it means war. The Islamic establishment is engaged in a constant battle against infidels and unbelievers. It has no humanly dignified and respectable space for atheists and godless people.

ponedeljek, oktober 05, 2015

Terry Zink: Security Talk

About e-mail, fighting spam, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

torek, julij 14, 2015

How to store your users' passwords safely

  • Use a strong random number generator to create a salt of 16 bytes or longer.
  • Perform 10,000 iterations or more. (November 2013.)
  • Store the iteration count, the salt and the final hash in your password database.
  • Increase your iteration count regularly to keep up with faster cracking tools.

Whatever you do, don't try to knit your own password storage algorithm.

sreda, junij 24, 2015


The mount.X scripts or symbolic links, where X is the name of a file system, can be used to alter the default mount options for almost any of its supported file systems. Use the -i option to ignore mount.X scripts, 
mount -i -t reiserfs /dev/sdXY /mnt/sdXY

There are two ways to list available altered settings:

Write mount and press a Tab key.
Execute ls /usr/bin/mount.*.

Securely Wipe Disk

# fdisk -l /dev/sdX
# hdparm -i /dev/sdXN

To get disk size in the physical sectors you will need the known disk size in bytes divided with size of a single physical sector: 
# echo $((2000398934016 / 4096))

You can get size of the storage device or partition on it even with the: 
# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdXN

# dd if=data_source of=/dev/sdXN bs=${BytesInSector} count=${LogicalSectors}

Arhiv spletnega dnevnika