Praznje marnje.

torek, maj 23, 2006


Danes sem poslušal El Niño. Delo sodobnega ameriškega skladatelja in dirigenta Johna Adamsa. Izredno delo. Res mi je všeč. Moram dobiti še besedilo. Sam ne sledim dogajanju v glasbi še posebej ne klasiki, zato največkrat slišim odlomke zanimivih novih in starih del v filmu in potem poiščem v trgovini.

sobota, april 15, 2006

politično korektno

Še ena definicija politične korektnosti: Užaliti vse zaradi pritožbe enega človeka.
"But isn't offending everyone based on a complaint by one person the definition of political correctness?" vzeto iz

četrtek, februar 16, 2006

O stereotipih

Dubravka Ugresic, clanek

"Stereotypes are everywhere, and they cover almost everything. We all
create stereotypes. Even the God is a stereotype. Our first ideas
about the world are stereotypes. We learn about the world through the
sets of opposed stereotypes, no-yes, yummy-yuck, good-bad. We adopt
the world around us and adapt to it through stereotypes. Stereotypes
are formulas, structures of primary knowledge, organizing principle of
that knowledge. Stereotypes are also a way of individualization: there
is myself and there are no others. Our mental home is furnished with
stereotypes. Stereotypes form a signal system: with their aid we
travel through the world. Left and right, devil is black, the angel is
white. Even the facts are adopted as stereotypes: the earth is round.


I grew up in the environment populated with interesting stereotypes:
Bulgarians were "black" (Crni bulgari), Gypsies were stealing small
children, Serbs were primitive barbarians, Gypries in a word, Croats
were all "faggots", Muslims had six toes-fingers and were all dummies,
Italians ate live cats, Montenegrins were not people but turtles,
that's how lazy they were, male Slovenians were all suckers, joddlers,
while female Slovenians were "girls with round heels", "slots". I had
an exciting "multi-culti" childhood.

Adopting stereotypes and breaking them is a constant process of
learning. Furnishing our mental home and refurnishing it. We finally
learn that the sentence "Turks are dirty" does not contain any message
but: "We are clean".


The question is how to communicate, really, in the world jammed by
stereotypes, images, and labels, how to communicate if, as it seems,
every word needs an explanatory footnote, how to deal with the
identity problem imposed by others, how to be heard first and than
understood properly?

Living abroad, to my big surprize, I did not achieve freedom to not be
labelled. Abroad I am regularly adressed as a Croatian writer. I
became a representative of a country which I left and in which I do
not exist anymore. I would not mind it so much but my texts, even if I
would write a recipee for goulash, are very often read through the set
of stereotypes the reader has about the part of the world I am coming
from. Book reviewers often find in my texts meanings which are not
produced by text itself. Or, they rather choose not to review my
books: We can't, we don't know anything about Croatia.


The problem of artistic, cultural, intellectual communication in the
world of stereotypes, images, global market, global culture and
domination of American mass-culture is a problem of our time. .... And
to go back to stereotypes: however we try to fight them, we will find
them everywhere, today they are softer, more attractive and more
resistant, because they learned how to mutate. A Bosnian Muslim kid
recently asked its mother: Mom, is it true that all the Muslims are

sreda, februar 08, 2006

O kom že...

Seveda me je strah ideologije, ki razglaša primitivne in neetične vrednote in prakse kot so obvezno zakrivanje žensk, barbarske kazni, kamenjanje, drugorazredni status nevernikov in te vrednote in prakso vsiljuje vsem. Taka ideologija je fašistična in strah je povsem upravičen.

ponedeljek, januar 30, 2006

Kaj sovražim najbolj...

Da sem v ponedeljek že ob 8 uri zjutraj v pisarni.

nedelja, januar 29, 2006

čakam na jutri

Razpoloženje: nezainteresiran
Tole bo res dolgočasen sestavek. Danes sem bil v postelji do dveh popoldan. Med zajtrkom sem pogledal finale oddprtega prvenstva v Melbournu. Potem sem dal nekaj v pralni stroj in si naredil kosilo. Zdaj imam v hladilniku en kozarec s štirimi kislimi kumaricami, pol kozarčka gorčice, kozarec marmelade zmrznjen stročji fižol in nekaj jabolk. Poleg tega imam v shrambi še belo in koruzno moko, proseno kašo, pol škatle makaronov, zdrob, čebulo in orehe. Čebula ni moja in je ne uporabljam. Ko bo zgnila, jo bom vrgel stran. V resnici je to tedenska zaloga hrane za družino v tretjem svetu. Zdaj grem v pisarno, narediti stvari, za katere jutri ne bom imel časa.


sobota, januar 28, 2006

Resident Evil: Apocalypse Now

Resident Evil: Apocalypse Now

slikca je od Bongo News, Inc.

Can You Say "Gay Cowboy Movie" Ten Times Fast?


Can You Say "Gay Cowboy Movie" Ten Times Fast?


My Cat Hates You!

zabavna stran o mačkah (in drugih prigodah v Seattlu).

nedelja, januar 22, 2006

Brokeback Mountain, drugič

Različni odzivi na film:

Screen actors back Brokeback film

Klasičen homofoben odziv. Avtor članka izvaja, podobno manipulacijo, kot jo očita filmu, le da za svojo stvaritev ne dobi več sto miljonskega proračuna. Pazite, članek vsebuje spoilerje.
'Brokeback Mountain': Rape of the Marlboro Man

torek, januar 17, 2006

Zanimivi rezultati ankete

Povzetek ni na voljo. Kliknite tukaj, da si ogledate objavo.

četrtek, januar 12, 2006

Sveto in svet 11.1.2006

"Neveden = neveren" (izjava g. Simon Sever, evangeličanski duhovnik)
"največ škode veri so naredili teologi" (ga. dr. Manca Košir)

"Duh je žareč ogenj, ki zažiga, ki čisti..." (ga. dr. Manca Košir)
Če je tvoj sovražnik lačen, mu daj jesti; če je žejen, mu daj piti; če boš namreč delal tako, boš sipal žarečega oglja na njegovo glavo. 21 Ne daj se premagati hudemu, temveč premagaj húdo z dobrim. (Rimljanom)

Božje trubadurke, zbirka pesmi, ki so jih napisale srednjeveške mistikinje.

Posnetek oddaje si lahko pogledate na

Sveto pismo na internetu