Praznje marnje.

sobota, december 17, 2005

Across the great divide - Brokeback Mountain

Še en preporod kavbojke po Unforgiven Clinta Eastwooda.

Režiser je Ang Lee, ki je posnel več dobrih filmov, med drugim "The Ice Storm" in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Igrajo mladi Hollywoodski talenti.

Nujno za pogledat!,4120,1669252,00.html

petek, december 09, 2005

HTML Quick Language Lookup

torek, december 06, 2005

Torrente 2: Misión en Marbella

dialog iz filma:
Torrente: This is the worst part of being a private detective, the long about we masturbate?
Junkie: with our hands or mouth?
Torrente: what's wrong with you! with your mouth? you deviant!...well lets see how you do that.